5 Reasons Our Approach to Oracle Training is Different

Our Philosophy About Oracle Training is Different
- We Care About You and Your Customers
Our training costs are about a third of what other organizations like Keyteach charge. We created this because we care. When you join our family, you always have a lifeline. Our goals are simple:
- We want you to earn more and create opportunities for you.
- To achieve these opportunities, you have to become independent.
- We want you to be a champion for the great functionality that is possible so your customers can maximize their investment in you and Oracle.
- The People that Build and Facilitate These Courses are People That Learn Just Like You
- We are non-technical people that have learned the technology to solve problems. The way the content is organized and how it is communicated is important to how people attending our courses digest the information.
- We don’t settle for mediocre. The content is highly thought out and updated as the technology changes.
- We want you to be the hero and we want to share our knowledge and experiences. We are humble people that are focused on your success.
- Because of our experience in both the functional and technical side, we are able to help you be creative, regardless of your career path. Knowing how to use Groovy to solve challenging use cases requires knowledge and creativity. We focus on both.
- The Stronger We All Are, The Better It Is for Our Community
We take great pride in seeing those around us be successful. We believe there is room for everyone to have that experience and the more our community succeeds, the more opportunities we will all have.